Answering God’s Call: A Reflection on What Vocation Means in Today’s World
The call of Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20) is a beautiful text for a theological reflection on what vocation might mean in the world of today. I provide a context regarding the concept of vocation in general and focus specifically on vocation in particular ministries. What is Vocation? Vocation (from ...
Embrace the call to shine your light boldly for the service of others. Learn about the balance between humility and visibility, and how generosity with your talents can attract blessings and growth. During my early days of ministry in the United States, a pastor who invited me to lead a ...
Is the Road to Hell Paved with Good Intentions?
You may have heard the saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," which means it is not sufficient to claim to have good intentions. One must follow through with commensurate action. However, there might be a sense that the statement isn't entirely out of moral and spiritual ...
Why Merry Christmas Instead of a Happy Holiday
One of the cultural shocks I experienced when I came to the United States years back was the controversy surrounding greetings during December. Some say, "Merry Christmas," while others prefer "Happy Holidays." Initially, this confusion made little sense to me. Why the fuss? However, it took only a short time ...
Your Worth, My Worth: A Reflection on Character
What makes us valuable? Is it our looks, our professional accomplishments, or our material possessions? While these things might make us feel good about ourselves, they don't define our true worth. Imagine a shiny toy that looks impressive on the outside, but when you pick it up, it's hollow and ...
Faith Over Struggles
Faith helps us navigate the struggles, the fatigue, and the noon-day experiences of our lives. Ugochukwu was the loveliest child in my family and my youngest brother. I loved him so much. Shortly after my ordination, he passed at 14. It was the most trying experience for my family. Meanwhile, ...
Salt and light: a call to witnessing
The Blessed Lord uses two metaphors to speak to the witnessing life of his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew 5: 13-16. They are the famous lines–"you are the salt of the earth" and "you are the light of the world." This reflection sheds light on these two metaphors and ...
Epiphany Moments
Testimonies of divine epiphany moments or revelations are around us, and the feast of epiphany is the right time to share them. As the proud father of four children, a man had always been actively involved in his family's lives. But one of his three sons had a particular passion ...
A Tribute to Benedict XVI
It is with great reverence and hope that I honor our beloved pope Benedict XVI. It pleased the Lord to call back home on December 31, 2022. He was a man of deep faith, wisdom, and courage who led the Catholic Church with love and humility. His commitment to living ...
Love Over Fear: A Christmas Story
Martha is a young girl who moved to the small town of Bethlehem. She quickly falls in love with the town's quaint charm. But something about Bethlehem makes her feel as though she has been there before. One day, Martha decided to explore the nearby woods. She stumbles upon an ...