About Fr. Maurice N. Emelu
Hello, I am Father Maurice Nkemefuna Emelu, a Catholic priest from Orlu Diocese, Nigeria, the director of the graduate program in digital marketing & communication strategy at John Carroll University, and a professor of communication (digital media) at the Tim Russert Department of Communication, John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio, United States. I'm also the founder of the Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. Perhaps, a little of my background may be of interest to you.
I was born a delicate baby, the fourth child of eight precious gifts of God to late Alphaeus and Grace Emelu—an entrepreneur and a schoolteacher, respectively. My childhood days were mischievous, so to say. I played pranks like any other kid and used incessant cries to get the attention of my parents. You don't want to hear more about it. My dad was a staunch Catholic and a tremendous inspiration to me. My late mom, Grace (I called her Gratia), was my icon. She presented this precarious little boy to the altar of the Lord two days after his birth in a somewhat symbolic gesture. This may have been the precursor of the events of February 26, 2005 (my diaconate ordination) and August 20, 2005, when Bishop Gregory Ochiagha—a phenomenal shepherd, ordained me a priest along with seventeen others.
Spiritual Life
I have had unique and profound spiritual encounters with the Lord. Those have made me realize more intimately God's love for me and the power of grace. My faith journey isn't just because that is what I was taught or what I learned in religious education. I have seen and witnessed firsthand God's healing grace and charisms. I have learned to trust the Lord and to love the way God calls. I have also learned through difficulties and suffering how to hear the whispers of Christ in human brokenness. My Mom's protracted sickness of a complicated stroke for which she was bedridden for nine years before she passed was indeed a tutor. From a young age of 47 to 56, she suffered and lived in pain but did so courageously. It opened my eyes to the reality of suffering, pains, and sickness; and ever since it has impacted my priestly life in a considerable measure.
Hence, my second book, "Scaling the Heights: If Anyone Can You Can," is a treatise on the virtues of courage and perseverance amidst difficulties. My eight book coming out in April 2024 is on "Talents and spiritual gifts: what are you doing with yours? published by the Paulines Publications, emphasizes the blessings we all possess and why it is important to identify one's gifts, talents, and blessings and use them to serve the greater good.
I have had my fair share of sufferings, and the Lord is not done with me yet. My third book, "Word for a Wounded World" describes the various wounds we carry and how we might heal. You may have had yours too. My biggest was to submit to my Local Ordinary for media ministry and scholarship when I thought my natural propensity was to preach and pray for people in the parish. But the Church is the real prophet, you know. Ever since, I have become like a baby, led to where he knows not. But I feel the peace that suggests to me, "You are on the right track."
Pastoral Ministry and Professional Life
Moreover, the blessings of my incredible Bishop, Most Reverend Augustine Ukwuoma, and the prayers of God's people like you lead me on. Looking back, I see how God uses legitimate chains of command to direct us to where and what he desires. I’m now a university professor, while impacting lives through the media as hundreds of thousands draw from our mutual inspirations and sacrifices.

Fr. Maurice Emelu after speaking and signing books in Sarasota, Florida
You may have seen some of my television teachings series—The Faith with Fr. Maurice, and Word for a Wounded World—on the Global Catholic Network, EWTN. There is a book, my fourth) on the same theme published by EWTN and the Sophia Institute Press, "Our Journey to God." It's also possible you may have read one of my eight books, and there are
more finished manuscripts coming soon.
You may have heard some of my audio reflections on some radio networks on the west coast of the USA. Be sure to receive my daily inspirations and video feeds on various social media platforms. There, numerous people connect with the wealth of ideas with which we are blessed in Christ.
Yes! I am now a media practitioner, a professor of digital media and communication technology at the prestigious John Carroll University, a small Jesuit University, my Alma Mater. It is a university with an incredible sense of community, exploration and creativity. It's a place to visit, if not to study. You may read more about my works as a teacher and scholar in this archival site.
I have also been actively involved in scholarly research and have published in many commutation, technology, media, and theology journals. I have won a number of academic scholarship awards too. Of all my seven earned degrees and professional certificates from renowned universities (see my academic life), my greatest joy is in being a priest, a holy priest, and nothing but a servant in the service of the Good News. I'm called to serve God and serve people, no matter who they may be, their race, uniqueness, talents and gifts, and status in life.
Would you please keep in touch with me through my pages on this site? You may consider following me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, plus subscribing to my YouTube channel. There you get daily refreshing ideas to inspire your day and bring healing to your wounds. Shoot me some emails with your cherished feedback, insight, and suggestions.
Grace, Peace, and Love!