
Embrace the call to shine your light boldly for the service of others. Learn about the balance between humility and visibility, and how generosity with your talents can attract blessings and growth.

During my early days of ministry in the United States, a pastor who invited me to lead a retreat for his parish shared advice that transformed my perspective on shining a light on our gifts. He said, “Fr. Maurice, I don’t know if you realized the depth of your gifts. It seems you are too humble to display them. Please be bold in sharing them with the world. God gave you these gifts so you would use them proudly for his people.”

His words resonated deeply with me. Growing up, my most significant spiritual influencers, particularly regarding the interior journey of the soul, were Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Theresa of Lisieux. Their teachings instilled in me a disposition towards anonymity and a desire to work diligently behind the scenes. In my mind–which, for the most part, I still believe–there is a mission accomplished if anything I do helps anybody, even if nobody knows the source.

My later work as a television producer reinforced this attitude. A producer’s primary goal is to make those on stage look good; many accomplished producers I know like working behind the scenes. Often, many need to learn that the producer is the engine shaping the story on set. Yet, often, they aren’t in the spotlight. This fact doesn’t necessarily mean humility. It is simply the nature of the job.

Shine the Light

Returning to the theme of shining the light, being in the spotlight doesn’t necessarily mean not being humble. Humility encompasses more than avoiding the spotlight. One can remain humble while still being visible in the public domain.

We should use any gift we possess, competencies, and qualities we’ve developed or received to serve. We should not keep them to ourselves. Hiding them does not promote the Good News. It isn’t a proof of being humble, too.

Humility is valuable, but do not be so humble that you refrain from using your gifts and blessings in service of God’s people. In the Gospel of Mark 4:21-25, Jesus tells us how futile it is to light a lamp and hide it under a bed, where its light cannot illuminate the house.

The house represents the body of Christ, the world, and any place of encounter–a community, a relationship, a family, or social interaction. Your light must shine in these places. You are there for reasons beyond simply personal gains. God wants you to shine your light by using your gifts.

Be Generous with Your Gifts

Be generous with your gifts. As Scripture reminds us, if you generously share your gifts, you will receive generosity in return. This cycle is one way to nurture and grow your talents. When you give freely and pour your gifts onto others, the returns are more significant from the greatest giver.

God can bless you with more gifts, connections, and spiritual relationships with people who can support you. He can open doors to social and economic benefits and networks. Generosity attracts generous networks.

Hoarding your gifts is counterproductive. Jesus says, “From him who has not, even what he has will be taken away” (Mark 4:25). This means that anyone who believes they have nothing to share, no gifts to serve, will have even their hidden talents taken away due to their lack of generosity.

Therefore, shine your light with whatever you have. Do not assume your contributions are insignificant. Do not believe they do not matter. You are blessing those around you when you share. In doing so, you are also growing. Shine!

Fr. Maurice Emelu

The Reverend Dr. Maurice Emelu is the Chair of a number of non-profit boards and a professor of digital media and communication at John Carroll University, United States. His research and practices focus on digital storytelling and design, media aesthetics and theological aesthetics, and church communication. Dr. Emelu lives where digital media technology meets culture, communication, philosophy, theology, religion, and society. He is the founder of Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. To know more about his professional background, visit

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