Post Categories

Here are articles and blog posts on life, faith, human experience, and society. It also provides teaching and educational contents from a Catholic perspective. 

A beach with waves crashing on it and the sky in the background.

Miss Not the Opportunity: No Need to Look for Signs

Grace to you! A beggar approached the car of a young woman in a traffic jam. Afraid and nervous, she shuddered at the sight of the scar-ridden hands of the beggar, beckoning for help and pointing to the burger inside ...
A reflection of two women sitting at a table.

The Royal Super

The message of God's word from Isaiah's prophecy, Saint Paul's Letter to the Philippians, and the Gospel of Matthew fills my heart with joy. I hear of the generous invitation to a more-than-red carpet treat to the Feast of the ...
A person wearing boots and jeans on top of rocks.

​Four Steps to Being Blessed

I introduce today's reflection with a famous Bible story. Fascinated by the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ's words and actions, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the ...
A statue of the virgin mary with rosary beads.

Our Lady of the Rosary

Grace to you! Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers, a special gift of nature. From the white rose to the pink, yellow, sterling silver and deep red, all roses are nature's wonders. Even if you have little appreciation for aesthetics, ...

