Post Categories

Here are articles and blog posts on life, faith, human experience, and society. It also provides teaching and educational contents from a Catholic perspective. 

A cross on top of a snow covered hill.

God’s Authority Over the Created Order

Two themes emerge in my engagement with God's Word today–the archetype of the Christian faith journey and the theological motif of God's authority over the created order. In my book, Our Journey to God, I wrote extensively about the former, a ...
A wooden figure of a person climbing up some steps

Six Biblical Tips on Succession Plan 

Many people wouldn't think of the Bible as a source of business or organizational leadership advice, but it has a lot to say about succession planning. There are plenty of biblical tips that can help any leader transition smoothly to ...
A group of children are planting trees in the dirt.

Call and Mission for the Imperfect 

I don't know about you, but I find comfort in the truth that God calls and chooses the imperfect for a spectacular mission. It's like He knows we're going to mess up, so He picks someone who makes mistakes. And ...
A man being held down by another person.

Service Endures, Leading to Greatness

Service inspires a better future. For with service, there is no scarcity. There are limitless opportunities. If there is an ambition key to greatness, it is service of others. The 1946 Nobel Prize-winner Herman Hesse's 1932 novella, Journey to the East, ...

