The Hoarding Epidemic: More than What Meets the Eye
By Fr. Maurice Emelu |
Picture the jumbled mountains of knickknacks and clutter on the hit TV series Hoarders. It's easy to dismiss such extreme cases as rarities, anomalies beyond "my" reality. "I can't be that person or those people," we might be quick to ...
Cover-up: A Discussion on the Impact of Distraction on a Leader
By Fr. Maurice Emelu | | 3 Comments
David's story in the Bible serves as an ideal case study for understanding human nature and the reality of cover-up. It exemplifies the best within each of us and our internal demons. In previous works, I reflected on some of ...
Answering God’s Call: A Reflection on What Vocation Means in Today’s World
By Fr. Maurice Emelu | | 5 Comments
The call of Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20) is a beautiful text for a theological reflection on what vocation might mean in the world of today. I provide a context regarding the concept of vocation in general and focus specifically ...
By Fr. Maurice Emelu |
Embrace the call to shine your light boldly for the service of others. Learn about the balance between humility and visibility, and how generosity with your talents can attract blessings and growth. During my early days of ministry in the ...