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Here are articles and blog posts on life, faith, human experience, and society. It also provides teaching and educational contents from a Catholic perspective. 

A microphone is in front of some lights.

Saint Dominic and Effective Communication

Many Catholics complain about boring homilies at their parishes. In their survey report published in the April 30, 2012 edition of America magazine, William Byron and Charles Zech, demonstrated that the complains are widespread in the United States.   A number of solutions ...
A group of people standing on top of a building.

Some Thoughts on the Price of Greatness

What is the cost of greatness? Two friends were recruited for the USA Marine Corps. Like any other elite military corps, the Marines pride themselves as the most rigorous, the toughest to graduate, and rightly so. Twelve weeks of intensive ...
A leaf that is in the air with sun behind it.

Saint Mary Magdalene: Pure Love

Mary Magdalene is one of the most mischaracterized figures in biblical history. Among the false claims was that she was a public prostitute. The impression grew around the 6th century. Unfortunately, there is no clear biblical evidence to justify this claim. ...
A close up of the head and beak of a bird.

The Cuckoo Spiritual Meaning, Covid-19 and the Weed: Be watchful

The biblical parable of the wheat and the weed has rich meaning on spiritual vigilance. Another analogy that can relate is the cuckoo, what I suggests is the cuckoo spiritual meaning. The Parable There are numerous lessons in the biblical ...

