Four Steps to Being Blessed
I introduce today's reflection with a famous Bible story. Fascinated by the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ's words and actions, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!" But he [Jesus] said, "Blessed rather ...
Our Lady of the Rosary
Grace to you! Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers, a special gift of nature. From the white rose to the pink, yellow, sterling silver and deep red, all roses are nature's wonders. Even if you have little appreciation for aesthetics, you can't gaze too long at a garland of roses ...
Confidence Builder
Learn how grasp of the law is a confidence builder and the spiritual benefits of staying informed about the law. A friend got a ticket for crossing double lines on a highway. You know that feeling of "Oops! The cops! Please have mercy..." His violation was beyond the officer's leniency. ...
Stewardship and Fruitfulness
If you've ever invested so much in a person, only to find that he or she is wasteful and unproductive, it hurts, doesn't it? Wastefulness and lack of proper stewardship is a terrible vice. For us Catholics, it is a sin against justice. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants In ...
The Lord’s Joy Because of You
Explore the depths of Trinitarian joy in Luke 10:21. Learn how Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit and reveals the treasures in childlike faith. I'm ecstatic to read God's word in the Gospel of Luke 10:21. "In that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said: 'I thank ...
Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus: How Family Makes Saints
Thousands of pilgrims attended Saint Peter's Square in Rome on Sunday, October 18, 2015, to witness the canonization of Marie-Azelie and Louis Martin, the parents of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus. Canonization of the Holy Spouses During the homily in the serenity of the solemn Eucharistic celebration, the Holy ...
What the Three Archangels Do for You
In divine providence, there are layers of excellent spiritual resources. Those resources are in the interest of God's precious creatures, the chief of whom are you and me (humans). Within divine providence–that act through which God sustains creation–grace and opportune blessings are abundant. One of those blessings is the role ...
Answer to Unhealthy Rivalry
A beautiful Cultural Dance display at Bamenda, Cameroon, West Africa. Copyright Maurice Emelu Grace to you!Meditations on God's Word in Scripture are powerful food for spiritual nourishment. Sometimes, I read a Bible story, and I wonder if there is anything concerning us that Scripture has not dealt with, explicitly or ...
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Any feast of the Blessed Mother Mary fills my heart with joy, so is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy tenderness of the Mother of God spurs in my heart a prayerful contemplation of the function of grace in the life of any person who ...
Saint Dominic and Effective Communication
Many Catholics complain about boring homilies at their parishes. In their survey report published in the April 30, 2012 edition of America magazine, William Byron and Charles Zech, demonstrated that the complains are widespread in the United States. A number of solutions have been offered. They include getting priests more trained in ...