Lift your spirit with encouraging, teaching, and healing words.

A cross and candles in front of the altar.

The Eucharist, Life-Giving Bread

Christ's gift of his body, the Eucharist, is the source and summit of the Christian life (CCC, nos. 10, 1324), for from it we have abundant life and reach the height of our spiritual life. Thus, in believing and living its grace, one lives forever. There is something rare about ...
A painting of pink flowers with green leaves.

Profound Beauty – Kateri

I met a girl who feels disadvantaged because of how she looks. Feeling insecure and often moody, she believes her body and form are out of shape. As a result, she avoids socializing with people and feels discomfort at the possibility of meeting new friends. Are you in any way ...
A statue of jesus christ with other statues.

In the Manner of the Blessed Trinity of Love

Introduction An audience asks the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen to explain the mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity. He warns them that no matter how erudite his explanation may be, the Trinity doctrine would still not be fully clear to them. After a two-hour rigorous theological and philosophical speech on ...
A group of people posing for a picture with an older man.

Adieu My Lord, Mentor, and Transformational Leader, Bishop Gregory Ochiagha

As your precious body is laid to the mother earth today, I do not know how to express my emotions. There comes a time in a man's life when he is simply numb. The day you died was one. And today, we celebrate your witness of faith and burial, is ...
A group of people standing in the middle of a room.

My Take on #EndSARS et al Protest

This special post is to state my take on the #EndSARS protest going on at the moment in my native country, Nigeria. It's the right thing to do to keep to our civic duties. Paying taxes, casting votes, keeping to traffic rules, contributing in various ways to make our society ...
A torn paper with the word hope written on it.

Saint Teresa of Avila: Hope for All

We celebrate the life of one of the four women the Church honors as Doctors of the Church, Saint Teresa of Avila. The other three are Saints Catherine of Siena, Therese of Lisieux (the youngest of all the Doctors of the Church), and Hildegard of Bingen. Understanding the Title of ...
A person walking on the beach with their bag

Seven Signs of Hypocrisy and Ways to Redemption

A conversation on overcoming hypocrisy In Luke 11:37-54, the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ leveled series of charges against the religious leaders of his time. As I read the strong words, I see a running thread about those condemnations. The Lord was condemning their hypocrisy. Hence, in today's reflection, I will ...
A person is writing on a notebook at a table.

​Look Beyond the Letters

A conversation on interior transformation over legalism is a fitting theme for this article. Clearing the reading desk of many senior academics can be challenging. You may not know what is essential and what isn't. Although the table appears messy, the academic sees every paper on that desk as necessary. ...
A beach with waves crashing on it and the sky in the background.

Miss Not the Opportunity: No Need to Look for Signs

Grace to you! A beggar approached the car of a young woman in a traffic jam. Afraid and nervous, she shuddered at the sight of the scar-ridden hands of the beggar, beckoning for help and pointing to the burger inside her car. The traffic eased, and she drove away as ...
A reflection of two women sitting at a table.

The Royal Super

The message of God's word from Isaiah's prophecy, Saint Paul's Letter to the Philippians, and the Gospel of Matthew fills my heart with joy. I hear of the generous invitation to a more-than-red carpet treat to the Feast of the Lamb (Jesus Christ). Prophetic Invitation to the Great Feast Summarizing ...