Lift your spirit with encouraging, teaching, and healing words.

In need of saving grace

In Need of Saving Grace and Freedom

A conversation on freedom, healing, and the power of touch. Hospitals often reveal our human needs. Within their walls, we witness firsthand our vulnerabilities. The strong and the weak, the wealthy and the poor, white and black, all share the same fate. We lie on uncomfortable beds, moved about in ...
The Eucharist and Life

The Eucharist and Life, Part II

Let's continue our discussion on the Eucharist as a source of life. In other words, life in the Eucharist. We’ve seen that in the New Testament, life is often understood as a profound, spiritual state of being that transcends mere physical existence and is closely linked to heavenly realities. How ...
The Eucharist and Life

The Eucharist and Life

This conversation is on the understanding of the Eucharist as life. Earlier, I discussed the profound meaning of the Eucharist as the bread of life. I left the reader with a question: What does it mean to have faith in Jesus as the bread of life? What is life? As ...
A person holding up a cup and a cross

The Eucharist as the Bread of Life

A conversation on Jesus, and the Eucharist, as the bread of life The events across many parts of the USA following the hurricane in early August 2024 prompted me to reconsider my appreciation for a humble staple: bread. Bread has never been my go-to food, yet each time I indulge, ...
A loaf of bread and some wine in a vase

Faith in the Bread from Heaven

Last Sunday, I discussed how the Lord Jesus fed thousands by the Sea of Galilee (Jn 6:1-15), pointing to the Eucharist. Previously, I discussed the Eucharists as thanksgiving for creation, for redemption, and for sanctification. Today's reflection continues from last Sunday's (Jn 6:24-35). After feeding the five thousand, Jesus leaves ...
Feeding of the Five Thousand

Feeding of the Five Thousand: The Eucharist and Us, Part II

In a previous reflection, I emphasized the importance of recognizing what Christ sees and does. Christ sees our needs and thirsty souls, offering His body and blood to quench our parched spirits and unite us with Him. Also, I hinted that what we bring to worship is of lesser importance ...
A group of people sitting on top of a hill.

Feeding of Five Thousand: The Eucharist and Us, Part I

The miraculous feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1-15) is not just a testament to Jesus' compassion but a profound revelation of his identity as the Messiah and the divine mystery of the Eucharist. In this miraculous event, we see more than just a miracle of provision; we witness the ...
A view of the ocean at sunset from an airplane.

Blessing: A Theological Conversation

Participants from across the United States gather for the National Eucharistic Congress, a momentous event in the history of the Catholic Church in the country. The congregation, united in gratitude and worship, celebrates the Eucharist, sharing stories of renewal, conversion, and faith-affirmation–extraordinary blessings that resonate deeply. The US 10th National ...
A sunset over the water with buildings in the background.

Come to Me and Find Rest

Rest is often elusive in a world that lives from paycheck to paycheck. We chase after jobs, deadlines, ambitions, relationships, and bucket lists, only to find ourselves exhausted and yearning for something more. And yet, nestled within the Scripture is a profound invitation that promises what our souls desperately seek: ...
A statue of an old man with beard and mustache.

Keep Bearing Witness Anyway

The stigmatist Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Padre Pio, was one of the most beloved modern saints. Reports of his holiness, love for God and neighbor, and the incredible miracles that the Lord worked through him were numerous. Many flocked from different parts of the world to see the monk who, ...