Your Worth, My Worth: A Reflection on Character

What makes us valuable? Is it our looks, our professional accomplishments, or our material possessions? While these things might make us feel good about ourselves, they don’t define our true worth.

Imagine a shiny toy that looks impressive on the outside, but when you pick it up, it’s hollow and empty inside. Our worth isn’t determined by what we have or how we look but by who we are on the inside, our character.

Think about a seed. It might look like a small, insignificant thing, but it can grow into something beautiful and valuable when you plant it. Similarly, our character is like a seed that can grow and develop when we practice values like hard work, love, supportive listening, and kindness. These qualities might seem small and insignificant initially, but they can significantly impact our lives and those around us.

Our worth doesn’t come from our appearance, background, or possessions. Instead, it comes from the depth of our character. Think about a deep well of water. It might seem short on looks on the surface. You wouldn’t see the breathtaking aquatic animals and plants beneath the still water. But diving in, you discover a wealth of beauty and vitality. Our true worth might not always be visible on the surface, but it’s there, waiting to be discovered.

Being of Character

So, what does it mean to have good character? It means being honest, dependable, kind, compassionate, and requires hard work. It means treating others with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or appearance. And it means using our talents and abilities to impact the world around us positively.

Just like plants need sunlight and water to grow, our character needs practice and nurture to thrive. Whenever we choose to be kind instead of angry, generous instead of selfish, supportive instead of a hindrance, or patient instead of frustrated, we strengthen our character and positively impact the people around us.

Remember, your appearance or your possessions don’t determine your worth. Your worth is the beautiful, unique, and valuable person you are. Therefore, let your character shine like a diamond that sparkles in the sunlight, and watch as the world around you becomes brighter, too.

Character and Talents

What is character, and how might I relate it to talents? Your character is those qualities that define you as a moral, ethical person. As it were, it is foundational to your personality and makes your talents flourish.

Looking for specific opportunities to amplify your character, begin with yourself and your talents. Your talents are those natural abilities you possess to help you excel in particular areas of life.

You may’ve noticed that many of the problems we have in families and the workplace aren’t because people don’t have and use their talents (skills); it’s because, despite their talents, they aren’t people of good character. From lack of character, unethical practices dent the workplace and cost us much. HRs can tell better.

What other ways to maximize your talent if not allowing your ethical qualities to make them soar? By so doing, you improve your talents, deepen your character, and impact more people. Please, don’t say you do not have any talents.

You Have Many Talents

You have unique talents. God has given you lots of them (Matthew 5:14-30). Maybe you love to sing, cook, paint, serve, write, dance, or play sports. Or, you pay attention to details. You could have technical and linguistic skills that come easily to you. Whatever it is, those talents are gifts. But are you using them to your full potential? Are you weaving their use through the ornaments of character?

Think of your talents like a garden that needs nurturing. You can’t just plant the seeds and expect them to grow overnight. You have to water them, pull out the weeds, and give them the attention they need. The same goes for our talents. We must practice and work on them to make them bloom. With character, our talents blossom.

Make the Best of Your Talents

But why must we use our talents immediately and allow them to flourish through character? Well, time is precious. The body and human strength fade quickly. We only have a limited time here on Earth and don’t know when our life will end. We need to make the most of our time now. Therefore, our talents are like tools we can use to make a difference in the world around us in our limited time.

Imagine if musicians stopped playing their instruments or artists ceased making the paintbrush their companion. The world of art would be less beautiful, wouldn’t it? By using our talents and allowing the moral compass to shape our considerations, we can bring joy and inspiration to others. We can use our gifts to build a better world for ourselves and those around us.

Building character can be challenging. I acknowledge. Likewise, building up our talents takes time and effort. But just like with a garden, the hard work is worth it. When we practice, we become better. And when we become better, the return on investment is richer.

Therefore, ask yourself, what talents have you been given? How can you use them to impact the world, demonstrating good character? Put in the work and practice. Courage! You never know the beautiful things that can grow from the seeds of your talents.

Remember—God loves you and has given you these talents for a reason. Use them to your full potential, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Be of character. Soar!

Fr. Maurice Emelu

The Reverend Dr. Maurice Emelu is the Chair of a number of non-profit boards and a professor of digital media and communication at John Carroll University, United States. His research and practices focus on digital storytelling and design, media aesthetics and theological aesthetics, and church communication. Dr. Emelu lives where digital media technology meets culture, communication, philosophy, theology, religion, and society. He is the founder of Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. To know more about his professional background, visit

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