Previously, I reflected on the ten qualities of a holy family. Now, I meditate on some of the blessings a holy family enjoys.
Scripture reveals many blessings for families striving for holiness. Drawing from Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14; 1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28; Psalm 128; Colossians 3:12-21 or 3:12-17; 1 John 3:1-2, 21-24; and Luke 2:41-52, I highlight ten blessings such as divine favor and prosperity, harmony and peace, joy and gratitude. Also, there are answered prayers, long life, the forgiveness of sin, strength, and guidance from God. In addition, there is rich love, wisdom, and favor with God and others, spiritual heritage, and eternal reward.
1. Divine Favor and Prosperity
A holy family enjoys God’s favor and experiences His prosperity. Psalm 128 paints a vivid picture of this blessing. Families who fear the Lord and follow His ways receive blessings like fruitful labor, thriving spouses, and flourishing children.
This prosperity does not guarantee material wealth but reflects a deeper fulfillment of a family’s holy mission. Families that trust in God’s plan, even during struggles, find lasting peace and purpose; knowing His ultimate will leads to true prosperity.

2. Harmony and Peace
When families allow the peace of Christ to reign in their hearts, they experience harmony and unity. Colossians 3:15 affirms this truth. Peace signals God’s presence within the household.
If your family lacks peace, take time for self-examination. Ask, “What is stealing our peace? How can we address this with honesty, openness, and humility?”
Peace is one of God’s choicest gifts to those on earth (Isaiah 9:6-7; John 14:27). Fostering peace strengthens the family’s bond and connection with one another and with God.
3. Joy and Gratitude
Living in God’s presence fills a family with joy and gratitude. Psalm 84 beautifully portrays the fulfillment that comes from dwelling in the Lord. A holy family finds spiritual richness in their relationship with God and with one another.
By keeping God at the center, families experience the joy the world cannot replicate. We can’t fathom the joy of family praying together and making their home a living temple where God is adored.
4. Answered Prayers
Honoring parents and spousal relationships leads to answered prayers. Sirach 3:4-5 promises that those who honor their parents will have their prayers heard. A holy family’s commitment to mutual respect strengthens their connection with God, aligning their prayers with His will. Prayers work like magic when hearts and souls are bonded and utter words to God in the union of faith.

I guess you’re asking God for many things. Do you also honor your parents or adopted parents? One key to the blessing of answered prayers is to honor your parents.
5. Long Life and Freedom from Sin
Reverence for parents brings the blessings of long life and protection from sin (Sirach 3:6). Families that uphold this virtue grow in righteousness and live under God’s guidance.
Much of the wear and tear of family results from painful experiences within the home. In a family where bitter pains are less, life thrives.
Sirach 3:6 also describes “atonement for sin.” When one honors their parents, they are making amends for their sins.
6. Strength and Guidance from God
Holy families rely on God’s strength to persevere through trials and challenges. Psalm 84 reminds us that those who trust in the Lord receive His strength, equipping them to fulfill their calling and remain faithful to His purpose.
There is no clearer guidance someone would have than seeing through the divine leading. A family aspiring to holiness also aspires to have divine perception and see things the way God sees them. Such is an assurance of strength and blessed guidance. If you can see (in some ways) the way God sees, then you have a clear vision of what steps to take to achieve your mission in life. It is indeed a blessing.
7. Love as the Bond of Perfection
The blessing of love unifies families and reflects God’s love for humanity. Colossians 3:14 describes love as the bond of perfection, bringing fulfillment and purpose to every relationship within the family. Family familiar love deepens when it allows the anointing of divine agape to renew it. Such love endures (1 Corinthian 13:7) and bonds the family.

8. Wisdom and Favor with God and Others
As a family grows in holiness, it gains wisdom and finds favor with God and those around it. Luke 2:52 shows us how Jesus grew in wisdom and favor as He fulfilled His mission. A holy family draws strength from this wisdom and uses it to deepen its relationships with God and its community.
God grants favors to whom He pleases. I suggest that God tells us in some ways how he does so. The Lord dispenses favors to homes and families as they abide in Him. To bear fruit, we abide in him (John 15:4).
9. Spiritual Heritage and Dedication
Families that dedicate themselves to God’s service receive the blessing of participation in His divine plan. Hannah’s dedication of Samuel to God (1 Samuel 1:28) exemplifies this commitment. Hannah’s was for the child to serve in God’s temple. Yours could be for your child to be free to advance their God’s chosen path, and you feel okay to let go as a parent. Do not pamper your child. Do not also live your dream through them. Let them be free to worship God the way they see fit.
Children should also aspire to become what God has stirred them to be. Dedicating to God’s mission in our distinct lives is a blessing. In exercising our unique roles, we become active participants in the long history and eternal mission, a spiritual heritage.
Holy families create a legacy of faith that impacts future generations and contributes to God’s kingdom.
10. Eternal Reward and Identity as God’s Children
Holy families walk in confidence, knowing they are God’s children. 1 John 3:1-2 assures us of this identity and promises an eternal reward. One day, they will see God face to face and share in His glory.
In conclusion, the ten blessings of a holy family I’ve discussed and many more flow from a family’s commitment to holiness and devotion to God. By living as a holy family, you welcome God’s presence, foster spiritual growth, and prepare for the eternal joy of life with Him.
I pray for divine blessings upon you and your family or loved ones. Amen. I also pray for healing blessings on families struggling with wounds and needing healing and strengthening. May God grant you healing grace. Amen.
Happy Feast of the Holy Family!