Post Categories

Here are articles and blog posts on life, faith, human experience, and society. It also provides teaching and educational contents from a Catholic perspective. 

A statue of the virgin mary with rosary beads.

Our Lady of the Rosary

Grace to you! Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers, a special gift of nature. From the white rose to the pink, yellow, sterling silver and deep red, all roses are nature's wonders. Even if you have little appreciation for aesthetics, ...
A close up of the scales of justice on top of a table

​Confidence Builder

Learn how grasp of the law is a confidence builder and the spiritual benefits of staying informed about the law. A friend got a ticket for crossing double lines on a highway. You know that feeling of "Oops! The cops! ...
A person holding a plant in their hands.

​Stewardship and Fruitfulness

If you've ever invested so much in a person, only to find that he or she is wasteful and unproductive, it hurts, doesn't it? Wastefulness and lack of proper stewardship is a terrible vice. For us Catholics, it is a ...
A little girl is laughing while being held by her mother.

​The Lord’s Joy Because of You

Explore the depths of Trinitarian joy in Luke 10:21. Learn how Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit and reveals the treasures in childlike faith. I'm ecstatic to read God's word in the Gospel of Luke 10:21. "In that same hour ...

